I first picked up a "real" camera in May 2020 when the world was confined to their homes, or the wild outdoors. The camera belonged to my late father who recently passed. Made me feel more connected to him that I decided to pursue his passion. It started off with taking pictures of salt, kitchen utensils, home furnishings - anything that was in sight. I then ventured to my backyard and finally expanded my scenery to local parks and public areas. The more I snapped, the more I discovered what I enjoyed the most..black and white. There's something classy and timeless about black and white photography that just spoke to me. Buildings, architecture, patterns - the simple things.

I'm all about a little pop of excitement in life, which can explain why I like the colour splash effect so much! Turns out colour splash is a crowd pleaser as it was my best selling themed calendar this year.
(Insert shameless plug here... click here to buy one!)

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Here are few of my colour splash favorites all of which are available for purchase, either prints or canvas. Please see below for price ranges.



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